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Jack Levine: Feast of Pure Reason 1986

Jack Levine: Feast of Pure Reason (1986)

Jack Levine: Feast of Pure Reason 1986 HD
Dated Released : 1986-11-30
Quality : BluRay | 59 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Jack Levine
Genre : Documentary, Biography
Overview : This bold and unconventional film portrait reveals America's foremost Social Realist painter doing what he does best: skewering corrupt politicians and police, raging over social injustices, and satirizing the petty foibles of humankind. Jack Levine got his professional start during the Federal Art Projects of the WPA, and quickly became world famous for his brilliantly painted, brutally ironic vision of America and the world. He is the only American artist who never stopped painting as a Social Realist, even when it went out of vogue in the 1950's and 1960's. "I'm alone at the old stand. . . I feel I still have something to say. . . Let the avant garde go hang-the human condition is what interests me." A self-imposed 'outsider', Levine has deliberately cut himself off from the mainstream: "I'm like the little dog at the circus who runs the wrong way under the hoop."

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