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Cult of the Cubicles (1987) |
Cult of the Cubicles 1987 HD
Dated Released : 1987-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 45 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : N/A
Genre : Comedy
Overview : Writes Kuchar: "It's New York in the summer and I set out to track down some high school friends who have burrowed deep into the 'big apple.' The viewer gets to see how far they've eaten their way to the core in this 45-minute study of urban denizens in the grip of Newtonian damnation." Here, Kuchar visits his mother in the Bronx, chats and eats with old friends in their claustrophobic New York apartments, and muses about friendship, growing older, and a time when the "streets of New York were cleaner, and so was I."
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