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Carefree Giovanni (1986) |
Carefree Giovanni 1986 HD
Dated Released : 1986-03-18
Quality : BluRay | 97 minutes Minutes
Rating : 5/10 (1 Users)
Star : Sergio Castellitto, Eleonora Giorgi, Aldo Fabrizi, Franco Fabrizi
Genre : N/A
Overview : In this entertaining drama, "Carefree Giovanni" (Sergio Castellitto) is the beleaguered last heir to a dukedom closely associated with the great artist Leonardo da Vinci. As the curtain opens, one of Giovanni's ancestors drops dead when he hears that Leonardo has died. Cut to the present, and the last duke in this line, Giovanni, is miserable in a home shared by two older women who browbeat and badger him without mercy. Giovanni's one solace is to go up on the rooftop and gaze out at the world around him as he daydreams. He has a special passion for the lovely Claire (Eleonora Girogi) who lives next door. To show his sincerity, he zooms off paper airplanes in her direction. However, these missiles are made from actual letters written by the great Leonardo himself. Could this man be last link in the lineage that started 400 years earlier?
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