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I Don't Give a Damn 1987

I Don't Give a Damn (1987)

I Don't Give a Damn 1987 HD
Dated Released : 1987-07-07
Quality : BluRay | 102 minutes Minutes
Rating : 5/10 (1 Users)
Star : Ika Zohar, Anat Waxman, Shmuel Vilozni, Shlomo Tarshish
Genre : Drama
Overview : Like many, another young Israeli, Rafi never gave much thought to the fact that when he reached a certain age, he would be expected to serve in the Israeli Army and that he would experience active duty in combat. It certainly never occurred to him that he might be injured, and if it did, it never occurred to him that he would be crippled, as he was. Now he must try to learn to cope with a life which is vastly different from anything he ever imagined, and at first he has nothing but bitterness. An older veteran tries to help him learn to cope, and his relatives work hard to adjust as well. However, only his sister-in-law Maya seems to understand his state of mind and doesn't freak out at his easily provoked displays of temper.

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