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The Elephant Keeper 1987

The Elephant Keeper (1987)

The Elephant Keeper 1987 HD
Dated Released : 1987-01-01
Quality : BluRay | 136 minutes Minutes
Rating : 5/10 (1 Users)
Star : Sorapong Chatree, Ad Carabao, Ron Rittichai, Ittisoontorn Vichailak
Genre : Crime, Drama
Overview : For many years, Asian elephants were used in the relatively simple, low-intensity logging operations in Thailand and elsewhere in the region. As the move to scythe down whole forests progresses, there is less and less use for these elephants: heavy machinery works more efficiently in a clear-cutting situation. In this story, a young elephant keeper (Sorapong Chatri) manages to save the life of a forest ranger, dedicated to keeping the (very few) national forest preserves safe from poaching. The elephant-keeper, on the other hand, is economically compelled to work for the poachers in order to keep his family fed, and to preserve the family lands from sale by a greedy businessman who once loaned them money.

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