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Betrayal and Revenge (1986) |
Betrayal and Revenge 1986 HD
Dated Released : 1986-10-01
Quality : BluRay | 105 minutes Minutes
Rating : 0/10 (0 Users)
Star : Yaping An, Kang Chen, Jian Fang, Narumi Lintai
Genre : N/A
Overview : In 1864, the death of the emperor of China's Taiping rebellion gives the rival Ch'ings an opportunity to attack. They break into the Taiping capital; the emperor's son goes into hiding, taking with him his family's invaluable sword. The loyal army chief, Gao Dekum, wants to find the young man and reinstall him as emperor of the heavenly kingdom of great peace. But he is double-crossed by Bei Wenbing. Several years later, after ardent training in kung fu, Gao's son Yulong and his daughter are ready to avenge their father's death and lead the Taiping loyalists into battle against the Ch'ings. A showdown between Yulong and Bei appears inevitable.
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