
Turma da Mônica em o Bicho-Papão (1987) Watch Full Movie Streaming Online in HD-720p Video Quality

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Turma da Mônica em o Bicho-Papão 1987

Turma da Mônica em o Bicho-Papão (1987)

Turma da Mônica em o Bicho-Papão 1987 HD
Dated Released : 1987-06-16
Quality : BluRay | 60 minutes Minutes
Rating : 6/10 (1 Users)
Star : Marli Bortoletto, Angélica Santos
Genre : Animation
Overview : The father of a child bugger says that outside the forest there are many dangers, but the bogeyman who wanted to explore what was outside the forest really comes from his father and flee the forest, and go to a place far away from there He runs away, and when Chimp and Cascão leave the house of Chives, they go to a forest, already devastated, or a park, there they find the son of the bogeyman, and Cascão is frightened (since he was the one who discovered it), in one part he drops a coconut on the head of Cascão and Chive also see it. Later on Chive also discovers and throws a rope to arrest him, but he sees that out of the forest there are many dangers, untie the trap and walk away, back to the forest, and everything ends well.

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